damage brain

5 Easy Ways To Maintain Your Brain

Alzheimer's has been linked to tiny strokes or less blood flow to the brain caused by narrowing arteries. Obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels cause structural changes in the brain - so it is important to improve your vascular health and maintain your brain at the same time. Here are some suggestions for you to consider:

1. OMEGA 3's (fish oil) - these are essential fatty acids that are so good for you because they protect your heart and protect your brain against memory loss and cell damage. Try eating fish twice a week or opt for an fish oil supplement. Look for the word "enteric coated" on the label so you do not burp up a fishy taste throughout the day.

2. KEEP YOUR WEIGHT IN CHECK - it turns out that those who become obese in middle age are twice as likely to develop dementia in old age, not to mention high blood pressure and cholesterol. Do what you can to keep your weight down and know that small changes in weight loss can make all the difference in the world.

3. EAT YOUR GREENS - Have you eaten something GREEN today? Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are rich in folate and antioxidant vitamins like Vitamin C that help protect your brain and your heart. Make a point of eating leafy greens at lunch and dinner everyday.

4. B-COMPLEX VITAMINS - Artherosclerosis can be caused by high levels of homocysteine - an amino acid found in the blood which is linked to Alzheimer's disease. B-vitamins including FOLATE actually help to decrease these levels and can be found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy greens, and vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, pinto beans, navy and kidney beans and whole grains. Another option is to take a good quality B-complex supplement daily.

5. MAKE YOUR BODY MOVE - exercising and getting your blood pumping everyday is KEY to weight loss- Take an aerobic class, walk, go on the treadmill and do whatever you can to find an exercise you enjoy doing and can look forward to. This will help increase circulation throughout the body including the brain.
All of these suggestions will help maintain your brain as well as your heart.

If you are doing all of the above, I salute you for doing what you can to maintain good health and a good head on your shoulders. If you are someone that is not doing any of the above suggestions, then begin with one tip at a time. Be good to yourself and your brain!

By: Sherry Granader


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